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Our Stories

Daniel's Story

Job after job turned him down.

Daniel's previous mistakes, run-ins with the law, and a tumultuous childhood pocked by parental drug use had made him nearly unemployable by society. He walked into a United Way agency, committed to doing the hard work to change his life.

Three years of job skills training, financial coaching, and a commitment to a bright future through Avenues to Opportunity are leading him to a life where he is reaching his full potential.

With Sans Souci’s Build You program, he completed an externship at Overhead Door, got a certificate in logistics, and just started a new job at Toyota as a logistics technician.

United Way and Sans Souci worked together to meet Daniel's basic needs and then got him resources that have allowed him to thrive.

He now meets his own basic needs and bought reliable transportation with his newly improved credit score.

Without a means to remove the barriers that clouded Daniel's work history, Daniel believes his life would look much different.

 "I'd be (serving) a prison sentence, or people would be attending my funeral," he said.